OpenRail Overhead Line Designer Help

Edit and Delete a Labeling

With the Delete Labeling function, you can remove an existing labeling.


Delete an existing labeling.


  1. Run the Delete Labeling function.
  2. If there was no labeling selected, select the one to be deleted now.
  3. Confirm, that you would like to delete the labeling or cancel the action.


Sicat Master definitely deletes the labeling and removes the associated data from the project database and the graphic.

You can edit free as well as object-related labelings via the Edit Labeling function. The Distance and Station parameters are only shown in the dialogue box of the free labeling. The Text of an object-related labeling is fixed and cannot be changed; you have to edit the Construction- or Operation number of the reference object instead. A reference object is not attached to the free labeling.

You can change the position either via the xy-coordinates or by changing the distance and the station.

In the Alignment field, you can directly enter a value. If you activate one of the checkboxes Parallel to Track or Across the Track, the angle in the input box will be adjusted automatically to 0 or 90°.